A Man Without a World Screening

Join us for a screening of Eleanor Antin’s silent film A Man Without a World accompanied by a live score from violinist Alicia Svigals and pianist Donald Sosin.

The film follows two star-crossed lovers a merchant's daughter Rukheleh and impoverished Yiddish poet Zevi as they try to seek happiness in a shtetl (village) in Poland. They encounter obstacles such as Rukheleh's disapproving parents against a backdrop of religious and political divisions in the community.

Alicia Svigals and Donald Sosin have been bringing audiences to their feet throughout the US and Europe with their unique and stirring violin and piano scores for Jewish-themed silent films. Sosin is one of the world’s top silent film musicians, and Svigals is the world's leading klezmer violinist and a founder of the Grammy-winning Klezmatics.

The screening begins at 6 PM on Sunday February 2nd in the gym in the RNH Teen Center. Tickets are free with an option to add a donation for RNH Arts Programming. Refreshments will be available for purchase. Register for the event here.

Special thank you to the Sunrise Foundation for Education and the Arts for supporting this community event!

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