Food & Farm Hub

The Food & Farm Hub


Riverdale Neighborhood House began in a greenhouse when Grace Dodge created a lending library for local workers.

In April 2021, we returned to our roots, digging up and transforming 3,000 square feet of concrete into the Food & Farm Hub.

Made up of a teaching garden, community fridge, and community gathering space, the Food & Farm Hub is a space for all neighbors. Through educational programs and community outreach, the Food & Farm Hub is dedicated to building a more equitable food system— one that balances the immediate food, health, and economic needs of neighbors with the long-term demand for community resilience.


Teaching Garden

A central component of the Food & Farm Hub is the educational programming for children of all ages, beginning with our Early Childhood classes and extending to our teen participants.

The hands-on curriculum, adapted for each age group, includes activities and discussions around environmental stewardship, basic gardening, sustainability, food justice, climate resilience, plant biology, nutrition, cooking, and community. 

We believe immersion in the natural world is imperative for childhood development. Our Food & Farm Hub is a step towards a more just world where urban youth have the opportunity to connect with and care for nature, foster an appreciation for the reciprocity of all things, and grow as advocates for the environment in the face of our perilous climate crisis.

The Neighborhood Fridge

The Neighborhood Fridge can be found on the corner W. 256th Street and Mosholu Avenue. The purpose of the Neighborhood Fridge, which provides free food 24 hours a day to any community member in need, is to combat food insecurity in the Northwest Bronx, as well as reduce food waste. The Neighborhood Fridge is for the community and maintained by the community. We work with local restaurants, school groups, vendors, and individuals to rescue food and prepare nutrient-rich meals for anyone in the community. Follow along on Instagram @theneighborhoodfridge

Free Food Distribution

In collaboration with The Office of Eric Dinowitz, New York Common Pantry, and various community partners — we are proud to be continuing our monthly free food distribution. Open to all!

There are no eligibility requirements, just bring any form of identification if you have not come before.

For first time participants, you can also register using the form linked below.

Food Scrap Drop Off

In collaboration with The Big Reuse and New York Botanical Garden — we are proud to offer community composting!

There are two green bins for food scraps located on the front lawn of the main building of our campus. Drop off scraps on Tuesdays 10AM-6PM. Please do not drop off dairy or meat products.

Teen Internship

In collaboration with the Career and College Youth Internship Program — The Food and Farm internship is an 8-week paid program that engages local teens in a dynamic curriculum around food justice and provides immersive experiences in urban greening & community engagement. Using food as a lens to examine other social justice issues, interns gain a deeper understanding of food and environmental justice.


  • Managing a weekly farm stand

  • Maintaining vegetable beds in the garden

  • Cooking communal meals

  • Visiting local organizations

  • Collaborating with restaurants and partners to supply the Neighborhood Fridge.

Youth Market

Stop by to find fresh produce grown on local farms, including in the RNH garden, as well as other goods from local restaurants and partners. We accept SNAP-EBT, Health Bucks, FMNP checks, credit, cash, & Venmo.

This vital food access program offers important job opportunities for young New Yorkers, ensures healthy, fresh food access across the city, and provides vital revenue for family farms in the Northeast. 

Visit our youth-run farm stand outside RNH every Thursday, 1pm to 6pm, June through mid-November.

 Have a question about the Food & Farm Hub?


Contact Arro Mandell, Food Systems Manager
(718) 549-8100 ex. 114