cocktails in the garden

Golden hour in the garden

Thank you for celebrating the autumn harvest in support of RNH programs.

Our celebration will include live music, a paddle raise, and seasonal cocktails and bites featuring vegetables grown in RNH’s garden.

Thursday, September 26th, 2024

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

5521 Mosholu Avenue Bronx, NY

Individual tickets are $150.

All contributions support RNH programs

Sponsorship Levels

  • With a $10,000 donation you will receive ten tickets to Cocktails in the Garden and yearlong recognition.

    Contact Emma Pollack

  • With a $5,000 donation you will receive eight tickets to Cocktails in the Garden and yearlong recognition.

    Contact Emma Pollack

  • With a $3,000 donation you will receive six tickets to Cocktails in the Garden and yearlong recognition.

    Contact Emma Pollack

  • With a $1,000 donation you will receive four tickets to Cocktails in the Garden and yearlong recognition.

    Contact Emma Pollack

  • With a $500 donation you will receive two tickets to Cocktails in the Garden and yearlong recognition.

    Contact Emma Pollack

For more information about sponsorship, contact


Leadership Circle

Geoffrey Gund Horace Mann School


Roberta Hodgson Maria Braeckel & Conor Lanz
Rachel Hannaford & Justin Lerer
Nicole & Ian Kahn
Charles & Jessica Kibel
Gittel Koenig & Robert Egan Cathy & Damian McShane Lou Tedesco


Gail Ablow & Daniel Friedman Judy Bernstein Bunzl & Nick Bunzl Heather Erhard & Hon. Andrew Cohen Rick Feldman Ruth Friendly Susan Goldy Karintha Holifield & Harry Singletary John & Pamela Kelly Dave & Siena Leis Katie Michel Henry & Hannah Millson Ryan Muller & Genevieve Hanson Miri Navasky & David Mizner Nathaniel Putnam & Lydia Crafts Heather & David Rodriguez Suzanne Rosenfeld & Henry Pollack Emily & Sven Sandow Katherine Valyi & Peter Nulty


David Bent & Robbie Oxnard Bent Jane Genth
Julia Hodgson & Andreas Kottmann
Amanda & Michael Salzhauer

Board of Directors

David Bent
Susan Goldy
Alicia Guevara
Nicole Kahn
John Kelly
Barbara Kiernan
Damian McShane
Kristine Ross
Marcia Santoni
Kelvin Ward

Julia Hodgson, President
Gail Ablow, Co-Vice President
Amanda Salzhauer, Co-Vice President
Rachel Hannaford, Secretary
Conor Lanz, Treasurer

About the photos

This past year at Riverdale Neighborhood House has been busy – we launched our Intergenerational Advisory Council which brought older adults and teens together through neighborhood clean-ups, career fairs, and cooking classes; we hosted over 15 community events including the beloved Senior Splash attended by over 100 local older adults, we helped 100% of teens in our College Directions Program gain acceptances into college, and we increased access to swimming through community pool days and a low cost swimming program.

Over 6,000 people of all ages have joined us throughout the year through programs and events; looking ahead to next year, we hope to bring even more neighbors together. Check out some of the photos below.

Help build community. Donate today.

Questions about Cocktails in the Garden?