Terrific Twos Returns!
Join us for Terrific Twos, our six week program that aims to explore music and movement through singing, dancing, and musical instruments. Parents and children will participate in sensory activities, storytelling, and more.
Open to 18 months (must be walking) to 3 year olds. Choose between one, two or three classes a week. Classes are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9:30-10:30 AM.
Terrific Twos will run in several six week sessions over the course of the year:
Session 1: Nov 5-Dec 19
Session 2: Jan 14-Feb 13
Session 3: Feb 25-April 3
Session 4: April 22-May 29
Pricing per six week session
$200: 1 class per week
$400: 2 classes per week
$600: 3 classes per week
Parents who are interested should fill out this form. Deadline to register is the day before a new session begins. If you have any questions, reach out to Kathy Powers at kpowers@riverdaleonline.org or call at (718) 549-8100 ext 133.